When you use the 'Contracts - Import Contracts' import process, you need to upload a file containing the contract data. For this you use the template that you can download in step 2 of the import process.
All columns from the import template are explained below. If the import file does not meet these requirements, the import will fail.
Below you can see an example of part of a correctly filled import file:
These contracts will be added as active contracts, and will be visible after import in Contracts > Contracts > Active. Do not include existing contracts in the import sheet to avoid duplicate contracts.
Column | Explanation | Requirements | Mandatory |
Contractid | The reference number of the contract. | Up to 50 numeric characters. | Yes |
SupplierReference | The reference number of the vendor in Vendors to which the contract must be linked. | Up to 50 alphabetic/numeric characters. | Yes |
ContractName | The name of the contract. | Up to 200 alphabetic/numeric characters. | Yes |
ContractDescription | A description of the contract. | Up to 500 alphabetic/numeric characters. | No |
ContractNumber1 | Enter the first contract number here. | Up to 50 alphabetic/numeric characters. | No |
ContractNumber2 | Enter the second contract number here. | Up to 50 alphabetic/numeric characters. | No |
ContractNumber3 | Enter the third contract number here. | Up to 50 alphabetic/numeric characters. | No |
ContractStartDate | Enter the start date of the contract here (DD-MM-YYYY). | A valid date in the DD-MM-YYYY format. | Yes |
ContractEndDate | Enter the end date of the contract here (DD-MM-YYYY). | A valid date in the DD-MM-YYYY format. | Yes |
ContractStatus | Enter the name of the contract status, which can be found in Admin > Contracts settings > Tables > Contract status. | Up to 50 alphabetic/numeric characters. | No |
ContractType | Enter the name of the contract type, which can be found in Admin > Contracts settings > Tables > Contract types. | Up to 50 alphabetic/numeric characters. | No |
ContractCostCentre | Enter the reference of the cost center here, which can be found in Admin > Tables > Cost centres. | Up to 50 alphabetic/numeric characters. | No |
ContractTerminatePeriodNum | The number of times the indicated contract termination date period (ContractTerminatePeriod). | Up to 50 alphabetic/numeric characters. | No |
ContractTerminatePeriod | The contract termination period (day, week, month, quarter, year). | Up to 50 alphabetic/numeric characters. | No |
ContractOptieStilzwijgendVerlengen | Enter whether the contract can be tacitly renewed (True, False) | Up to 50 alphabetic/numeric characters. | No |
ContractVerlengTermijnNum | The number of times the specified contract extension period (ContractTerminatePeriod). | Up to 50 alphabetic/numeric characters. | No |
ContractVerlengTermijn | The contract renewal period (day, week, month, quarter, year). | Up to 50 alphabetic/numeric characters. | No |
ContractRemarks | Notes to the contract. | Up to 500 alphabetic/numeric characters. | No |
ContractAantalVerlengingen | The number of times the contract may be extended. | Up to 50 alphabetic/numeric characters. | No |
ContractOwner | The display name of the contract owner, found in Admin > General Settings > Users > Active. | Up to 100 alphabetic/numeric characters. | No |
ContractParent | The name of the main contract, found in Contracts > Contracts > Active. | Up to 200 alphabetic/numeric characters. | No |
ContractProcedure | The contract procedure name of the contract procedure to be linked to the contract can be found in Admin > Contracts settings > Tables > Contract procedures. | Up to 50 alphabetic/numeric characters. | No |
ContractCompany | The name of the company to be linked can be found in Admin > Tables > Companies. | Up to 50 alphabetic/numeric characters. | No |
ContractIndexInfo | Enter indexing information for the contract here. | Up to 250 alphabetic/numeric characters. | No |
ContractInkoopvoorwaarden | Indicate whether the purchase conditions have been accepted (True, False). | Up to 50 alphabetic/numeric characters. | No |
ContractProjectNummer | Enter the project number of the linked project. | Up to 50 alphabetic/numeric characters. | No |
ContractWeging | Enter how often this contract counts in Vendor Rating calculations. | Up to 50 alphabetic/numeric characters. | No |
ContractOpdrachtgever | The display name of the mandator, found in Admin > General Settings > Users > Active. | Up to 100 alphabetic/numeric characters. | No |
ContractNoCompliance | Enter here whether this contract should be taken into account when calculating contract compliance in Spend (True, False). | Up to 100 alphabetic/numeric characters. | No |
ContractSjabloon | Enter the name of the contract template to be linked here, which can be found in Admin > Contract settings > Tables > Contract templates. | Up to 100 alphabetic/numeric characters. | No |
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