Contract field names
It is possible to edit the names fields related to contracts. These changes are applied at Contracts > New Contract and Contracts > Contracts.
In the example below, 'CONTRACTNUMBER1' has been renamed to 'Contract number', 'COMPANY' to 'Company Name' and 'CONTRACTOWNERUSERID' to 'Owner'.
As you can see in the example below, these changes have been made after reloading the page in the overview of all contracts in Contracts.
Contract velden visibility
This overview shows the visibility status of all existing contract fields. It shows which field is involved and whether it is visible in the 'overview' (Contracts > Contracts) and 'details' (Contracts > Contracts > Select Contract > Details). You can determine per field whether the field is visible in the contract details and in the contract overview.
Contract detail sort order
This is the order of the contract detail fields. These fields are shown in the 'Details' tab when you click on a contract in Contracts > Contracts. Drag the fields to the desired position, changes are automatically saved.
If no list of fields is visible yet, click on 'Create fields'.
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