When you use the 'Vendors - Import Vendors' import process, you need to upload a file containing the vendors data. For this you use the template that you can download in step 2 of the import process.
All columns from the import template are explained below. If the import file does not meet these requirements, the import will fail.
Below you can see an example of part of a correctly filled import file:
These vendors will be added as active vendors, and will be visible after import in Vendors > Vendors > Active.
Column | Explanation | Requirements | Mandatory |
SupplierPortalExternalId | The supplier's external ID. You can determine this yourself and it will be shown in the 'Ref.' Field. | Up to 50 alphabetic/numeric characters. | Yes |
SupplierPortalName | The name of the supplier. | Up to 100 alphabetic/numeric characters. | Yes |
SupplierPortalMainAddress | The street name of the supplier. | Up to 100 alphabetic/numeric characters. | No |
SupplierPortalMainAddressNum | The house number of the supplier. | Up to 50 alphabetic/numeric characters. | No |
SupplierPortalMainAddressNumAdd | The house number addition of the supplier. | Up to 50 alphabetic/numeric characters. | No |
SupplierPortalMainZipcode | The zip code of the supplier. | Up to 15 alphabetic/numeric characters. | No |
SupplierPortalMainTown | The city of the supplier. | Up to 255 alphabetic/numeric characters. | No |
SupplierPortalMainCountry | The country of the supplier. | Up to 100 alphabetic/numeric characters. | No |
SupplierPortalVatCode | The VAT code of the supplier. | Up to 50 alphabetic/numeric characters. | No |
SupplierPortalKvkNumber | The Chamber of Commerce number of the supplier. | Up to 50 alphabetic/numeric characters. | No |
SupplierPortalDunsNumber | The supplier's DUNS number. | Up to 50 alphabetic/numeric characters. | No |
SupplierTel | The telephone number of the supplier. | Up to 50 alphabetic/numeric characters. | No |
SupplierFax | The supplier's fax number. | Up to 50 alphabetic/numeric characters. | No |
SupplierOrderEmail | The supplier's order email address. | Up to 50 alphabetic/numeric characters. | No |
SupplierGeneralEmail | The supplier's general contact email address. | Up to 50 alphabetic/numeric characters. | No |
SupplierBankAccountType | The type of bank account of the supplier. | Up to 50 alphabetic/numeric characters. | No |
SupplierBankAccount | The bank account number of the supplier. | Up to 50 alphabetic/numeric characters. | No |
SupplierBankSwiftCode | The supplier's Swift code. | Up to 50 alphabetic/numeric characters. | No |
SupplierPortalRemarks | Comments to this supplier. | Up to 1000 alphabetic/numeric characters. | No |
SupplierRatingNorm | The Vendor Rating standard that this supplier must meet. | A number without decimals. | No |
SupplierPurchaseRisc | The risk level of this supplier. | A number without decimals. | No |
SupplierPortalWebsiteUrl | A link to the supplier's website. | Up to 100 alphabetic/numeric characters. | No |
SupplierPakketId | The category ID of the category to which the supplier must be linked. You can find this in Admin > Tables > Commodities. | A numeric number without decimals. The ID must be of an existing category in Admin > Tables > Commodities. | No |
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