The knowledge portal is a function that allows you to place your own designed content on the Start Center of your VendorLink environment. This is the screen you arrive at when you click on the VendorLink logo in the main menu bar at the top.
The overview shows all current knowledge portal objects. Here you can see the name and content of the objects, whether they are active and to which other object they are possibly linked (more on this later).
Below you can see an example of a knowledge portal object:
Setting | Explanation |
Title | The title of the knowledge object ('Portal1'). |
Header in sub | The header that will be placed below the title of the main object if any subobjects are open. |
Short text | The short text for under the title ('Short text of Portal1'). |
Text | De inhoud van het kennisobject ('Tekst van Portal1'). |
Start date | From this date, the knowledge object is visible on the home page. |
End date | From this date the knowledge object has disappeared from the homepage. |
Connected to | The knowledge object of which you want to make this object a sub-object. |
Order | The order in which the knowledge object is displayed on the home page (1 first, etc.). |
Upload an image | De mogelijkheid om een afbeelding te uploaden, die vervolgens in het kennisportal zal worden getoond. |
Main and sub objects
It is possible to set main and sub objects. In the example below, the objects 'Portal2' and 'Portal3' are subobjects of 'Portal1'. Only 'Portal1' is visible by default. The moment you click on this object, the two sub-objects appear. In addition, you can also see that the 'Header in sub' field has become visible.
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