This overview shows all notes that are linked to a supplier in Vendors. You can also find these notes at the relevant supplier under Vendors > Vendors > Details > Notes and complaints. Notes can be added and managed by users with the role of 'Vendor Management Moderator'.
Add a note
- Click on 'Add' at the top of the notes overview.
- Fill in at least all mandatory fields and upload an attachment if necessary. These fields are explained in the blue table at the bottom of this article.
- Click 'Add'.
Edit an existing note
A note can be edited from Vendors > Notes and from Vendors > Vendors > Details > Notes and complaints.
- Navigate to Vendors > Notes or Vendors > Vendors > Details > Notes and complaints.
- Click on the complaint you want to edit.
- A pop-up window opens with the properties of the note. Make the desired changes. Changes are automatically saved.
- Click on 'Close'.
Delete a note
A note can be deleted from Vendors > Notes and from Vendors > Vendors > Details > Notes and complaints.
- Navigate to Vendors > Notes or Vendors > Vendors > Details > Notes and complaints.
- Click on the complaint you want to delete.
- A pop-up window opens with the properties of the note. Click on 'Delete' at the bottom of the pop-up window.
- Click on 'Yes' to confirm the deletion.
All note settings are explained in the table below.
Field | Explanation |
Note | The content of the note. |
Vendor | The vendor linked to the note. |
Type | The note type. These can be set in Admin > Vendors settings > Tables > Note types. |
Reminder date | Enter a date here if you would like to be reminded of this note by e-mail at a later time. |
File | The attachment linked to the note. |
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