Go to Vendor Management - Vendors - Click on a Vendor
Available for user with roles: Vendor Management Viewer, Vendor Management Register, Vendor Management Moderator.
On the vendor details page all information regarding the vendor is presented in different modules.
The name of the vendor, logo, the risk score, the Vendor rating result,connected commodities are shown in the header.
Info: address, contact data and commodities
The address of the Vendor, the contacts of the vendor and the contacts within your own organization. The data can be edited by clicking on the button Edit mode above each data field. Within the Edit mode [address] it's possible to archive the vendor with use op the Archive button
Info: Tags and Schedule
With use of the Tag bar it's possible to add tags to a vendor to find the vendor quicker based on added tags.
Within the Schedule table current audits are shown including their expiration date, click on audit name for [[Vendor Rating Audit Details|audit details]].
Notes and Complaints
In the table Notes you will find all the about the Vendor made by one of the users. Per note the date, note type and number of reactions are visible. Notes can be added with use of the Add module in the upper right of your screen.
In the table Complaints you will find all the complaints about a Vendor made by one of the users.
Documents: Checklist items and Documentes
Checklist items can be added at [[Vendor Management Change Vendor|Change Vendor]]. When checklist items are added they can be sent out as a request when starting an [[Vendor Rating Start Audit|Audit]].
Column | Description |
Information type | Description of the information where is asked for. |
Information needed | When an audit has been sent to multiple Vendors, this question can be used to deside per vendor if the information is needed or not. |
Executed | Has the audit been executed or not. When information comes in via the audit, there will appear a yes. When the attachment was brought in manually this parameter will not automatically go to yes. |
Start date | The start date of item. |
End date | The expiration date of item. |
Remarks | Remarks added by vendor during upload of item |
Attachment | The information where was asked for. |
Click on an item to edit, the edit module will open automaticly.
In the table Documents you will find all the added documents to the Vendor. New documents can be added with use of the Add module in the upper right corner of your screen. Documents can be opend by clicking on the blue url, click on a cell within the table to open the edit mode.
Spend: Spend and Bonus levels
In the upper table you will find the spend per month presented over the years of the selected vendor.
In the below table you will find al the bonus level agreements of the vendor.
In the Rating table the history of all the Vendor Ratings of the vendor will be visible, summed per year.
In the Norm table the norm of the vendor within a Vendor Rating will be visible.
In the Audit Surveys table you will find all the surveys connected to an Audit answered by the vendor. Click on the suervey name to open a survey.
In the table contracts you will find all the availble active contracts of the vendor. In the below table you will find contract agreements who can be added to a vendor to manage specific contract agreements. Go to Vendor Management > Contract Agremeents to manage the agreement per vendor.
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