This overview shows the registered complaints of all active suppliers. Complaints to archived suppliers are not displayed.
Add a complaint
- Click on 'Add'.
- Fill in all the blue marked (mandatory) fields in the pop up window. These fields are explained in the table below.
Field Explanation Complaint A description of the complaint. Vendor The vendor that the complaint is about. Department The department at the relevant supplier. Status The status of the complaint. Phone number The phone number of the complaint submitter. Attachment If necessary, upload an attachment to the complaint to provide the complaint with additional information. - Click on 'Add'.
Edit a complaint
- Click on the complaint you want to edit in the overview.
- Make any changes you want. Changes are automatically saved.
Delete a complaint
- Click in the overview on the complaint you want to delete.
- Click on the red 'Delete' button at the top right of the page.
- A warning will appear, click on 'Yes' to permanently delete the complaint.
Convert a complaint to a note
- Click on the complaint you want to convert.
- Click on 'Convert to note' at the top right of the page. The complaint will be converted into a note with the relevant vendor, will no longer appear in the complaints overview.
Add a reaction to an existing complaint
- Click on the complaint to which you want to add a response.
- Enter a reaction at the bottom of the property overview in the 'Reaction' field.
- Click on 'Add'. The comment will now be displayed in the comment table at the bottom of the page, including the date and name of the user who posted the comment.
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