On this page you can see all the user details of the user account you just clicked in Admin > General Settings > Users > Active or Archived. This page is only available to users with the 'Client Administrator' role.
Switch to user
By means of this function you log in as the relevant user account. All actions that you perform in the future will have an effect on this user account. To return to your own user account, log out and then log in again with your own user account.
Archive and/or replace user (or Dearchive)
Read here how to archive/replace a user.
Read here how to dearchive a user.
Delete user
Read here how to delete a user account.
User settings
User accounts have a number of basic properties that you can set yourself:
Setting | Explanation |
Display name | This is the name by which the user is recognized in the VendorLink environment. |
The user's email address. This e-mail address is used for, among other things, notifications and resetting the password. | |
Phone number | This is a informational field and is not used by the application. |
Department | This is a informational field and is not used by the application. |
Hide Alerts pane on Start Center | This gives you the option to hide the Alerts section on the Start Center. |
Hide modules | This gives you the option to set the user to only see the Dashboards module. All other modules are hidden. |
Room number | This is a informational field and is not used by the application. |
Delete filters on logout | All filters set (for example in the supplier overview in the Vendors module) are automatically cleared after the user logs out. |
Identity Provider | Only applicable when using SSO. |
Roles, Commodites & Cost Centre groups
Roles determine the rights of a user account in VendorLink, and categories & cost center groups determine the content. It determines whether a user is allowed to see certain modules, tables and graphs. Setting categories only takes effect when 'Category Authorization' is enabled in Admin > General Settings > General Settings > Authorization and Security.
Setting up cost center groups only affects Spend Community users. These are users with the role 'Cost Center Group User'.
Explanation roles
You can read more about the user roles here.
Contract templates
Select here which contract templates this user is authorized for. Users only see contracts that are linked to contract templates for which they are authorized.
Message settings
In this overview you can disable email notifications per category.
Here you manage the column settings. Click on an overview to open and edit the column settings. This opens the same pop-up window as when you click on 'Columns' in the top right of a table. Read more about the Columns function here.
Profile settings
This tab only applies when the account is a profile. Read more about profiles here.
Authorization labels
This is where you manage the account's authorization labels. If a supplier in the Vendors module or a contract in the Contracts module is linked to an authorization label and the user also has this label, then the entity is visible. If the user is missing the label, the entity is not visible.
Activity log
The activity log shows all changes made to this user account.
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