Categorization method
There are two types of links in VendorLink. Both are briefly explained below. Read more about how to make the best choice between these links here.
Cost type - Commodity connection
Use this connection to link invoice lines to commodities via the cost type. This method can only be used when the cost type scheme is of good quality and the invoice lines are correctly linked to cost types.
Vendor - Commodity connection
Use this connection to link all expenses with the same vendor to one commodity.
Default commodity
Select a standard commodity to be assigned to a vendor without a linked commodity, when the vendor is added to Vendor Management via the 'Add supplier to VM' button on the vendor page in Spend.
ABC Analysis
The ABC analysis is a method to divide your suppliers into three levels, with in category A the suppliers you spend the most with, descending to categories B and C. The settings for these categories can be set here.
A Category percentage
Enter the percentage that must be taken into account when selecting the group of suppliers with the most spending. If you enter 70% here, VendorLink will fill Category A to the suppliers that have been spent the most on it. The number of suppliers in this category will then be 70% of the total number of suppliers.
B Category percentage
Enter the percentage that must be taken into account when selecting the group of suppliers with the highest spending after category A. If you then enter 10% here, VendorLink will automatically calculate that Category C will contain 20% of the total number of suppliers.
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