Once the audit has been answered by the supplier, you will see the audit in the 'Back from vendor' section.
Before you can start an audit workflow to approve the audit, at least one audit workflow must be set up in the environment. You do this in Admin > General Settings > Workflows.
- To start a workflow, open the audit you want to start the workflow for.
- Click on 'Manage Audit' at the top right of the page.
- Click on the 'New workflow' button to choose one of the audit workflows.
- Make, if desired, changes to the linked user(s) at every workflow step.
- Click on the 'Start workflow' button to start the audit.
The first user in the workflow will now receive an email with an invitation to review the audit. The user can approve or reject the audit. Depending on the workflow settings, the workflow will be continued or aborted when a user rejects the audit.
What happens if an audit is canceled?
This depends on the workflow settings. You can view the workflow settings of your workflow in Admin > General settings > Workflows. You can read an explanation of these settings here.
What happens if an audit is approved?
If the workflow has been successfully completed and the audit has been approved, all data will be processed in VendorLink.
- All name and address data are updated at the relevant vendor(s) in the Vendors module
- All contacts are updated at the relevant supplier(s) in the Vendors module
- All documents are updated in the checklist items of the relevant supplier(s) in the Vendors module
- All products are updated with the supplier's contract products in the Contracts module
- All categories are updated at the supplier(s) in the Vendors module
- The survey results are retained in the audit details. You can view this at a later time
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