Audits are part of Vendor Rating. Navigate to Audits by clicking on 'Vendor Rating' in the menu bar and on 'Audits' in the side panel.
The audit overview consists of a number of sections:
Audit settings
All audits that have been created but have not yet been sent.
All audits that have been sent but have not yet been answered by the supplier.
Back from vendor
All audits that have been answered by the supplier. You can then view and assess these audits via a workflow.
Review at vendor
All audits that have been answered by the supplier, but then sent for review because, for example, information is missing.
In workflow
All audits that are currently part of a workflow. You can approve or reject an audit via a workflow.
All audits that have gone through a workflow, regardless of the outcome, end up in the archive. Here you can view past audits again at a later time.
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