Now that you have created an audit, it is time to define the audit's content.
After creating an audit, you will be redirected to a page with basic audit settings.
- Check the settings that you have just set.
- Enter a signal date. On this date a reminder about the audit will be sent to the notification user.
- Choose which parts you want to request from the vendor. Click to move the slider to the left (off) or to the right (on).
It is important to know that all changes made by the vendor will only be implemented once you have approved the audit manually through an audit workflow.
Supplier data
These are the basic data of the vendor in Vendors. With this you give the vendor the option to view, check and possibly adjust the currently registered name and address data
These are the registered contacts of this vendor in Vendors. The vendor can add, edit and delete contacts.
This is documentation linked to checklist items at the vendo. You can view the current checklist items from a supplier by navigating to Vendors > Vendors > Select vendor > Documents > Checklist items. The vendor can upload new documents to the checklist of items that are linked to them.
These are contract products that are linked to contracts from the vendor in the audit. The vendor can view and edit the validity period of the products. In addition, the vendor can offer new products and indicate whether they no longer deliver a certain product.
The vendor gains insight into the categories that are linked to them in the Vendors module. They have the option to add and remove categories.
You can send surveys to the vendor. They complete these surveys and you can then assess them. You need to create these surveys in advance in Vendor Rating > Settings > Survey templates. In Lesson 2, Lesson 3, Lesson 4 and Lesson 5 of "Getting Started with: Vendor Rating" you can see exactly how to prepare a Survey Template.
Risk Assessment
When this option is active, the Risk Assessment component will be added to the audit. This allows a Risk Assessment to be carried out for the linked vendor(s).
No valid period
When this option is active, no validity date will be given with the audit. This means that the audit does not expire. So no expired status of the audit will appear in the Vendors module.
In addition, we also have a VendorLink Academy video that explains survey templates in detail.
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