VL Tokens are small pieces of text that you can process in every e-mail or notification that you send from VendorLink. An example is the [USER: DISPLAYNAME] tag. When you include that tag in an e-mail, it will automatically be filled with the display name of the user receiving the e-mail when the e-mail is sent.
In e-mails and notifications
VL Tokens can easily be added via the 'VL Tokens' button. This button can be found in every text field where these tokens are supported. All notifications and emails in VendorLink have their own knowledge base page, where you can see which tags are supported for the specific emails. An example of this is the default notifications.
In contract attachments
VL Tokens can also be included in .docx contract attachments. This way you can easily place the most current contract data directly in a contract document with the click of a button. Use the contract-related VL Tokens in your .docx file, and upload them with a contract. When you then open the contract attachment details of that attachment through the contract in Contracts, you will see a button called 'Replace Tokens'. This will update all VL tokens in the selected contract attachment with the current data in the contract details.
Below you see an overview with the meaning of each VL Token.
VL Token | Explanation |
[VENDOR:NAME] | The name of the vendor |
[VENDOR:MAINADDRESS] | The street name of the supplier |
[VENDOR:MAINADDRESSNUM] | The house number of the supplier |
[VENDOR:MAINZIPCODE] | The zip code of the supplier |
[VENDOR:MAINTOWN] | The location of the supplier |
[VENDOR:MAINCOUNTRY] | The supplier's country |
[CONTRACT:NAME] | The name of the contract |
[CONTRACT:CONTRACTNUMBER1] | The value in the Contract Number 1 field |
[CONTRACT:CONTRACTNUMBER2] | The value in the Contract Number 2 field |
[CONTRACT:STARTDATE] | The start date of the contract |
[CONTRACT:ENDDATE] | The end date of the contract |
[CONTRACT:VENDORNAME] | The vendor's name associated with the contract |
[VL:CONTRACTNUMBER] | The contract number of the contract |
[VL:CONTRACTCUSTOMERCONTRACTID] | The reference of the contract. |
[VENDOR:COCNUMBER] | The vendor's Chamber of Commerce number |
[CONTRACT:PRODUCTS] | Shows a table with the names of the linked contract products. |
Shows a table with the names, prices and units of the linked contract products. |
Below you see an overview of all tokens that can be used in E-Signing documents.
VL Token | Explanation |
[CUSTOMER:SIGNER1] | The displayname of the internal signer. You can use this token more often by changing the 1 to a 2, 3, 4 etc. The tokens are replaced the moment you link the signer to the E-Signing request. |
[VENDOR:SIGNER1] | The displayname of the signer at the vendor. You can use this token more often by changing the 1 to a 2, 3, 4 etc. The tokens are replaced the moment you link the signer to the E-Signing request. |
[VENDOR:NAME] | The name of the vendor associated with the E-Signing request. |
[VENDOR:MAINADDRESS] | The value in the 'Address' field in the vendor details. |
[VENDOR:MAINADDRESSNUM] | The value in the 'Number' field in the vendor details. |
[VENDOR:MAINZIPCODE] | The value in the 'Postal code' field in the vendor details. |
[VENDOR:MAINTOWN] | The value in the 'City' field in the vendor details. |
[VENDOR:MAINCOUNTRY] | The value in the 'Country' field in the vendor details. |
[VENDOR:COCNUMBER] | The value in the 'Chamber of Commerce' field in the supplier details. |
[CONTRACT:NAME] | The name of the contract associated with the E-Signing request. |
[CONTRACT:CONTRACTNUMBER1] | The value in the 'Contract number 1' field in the contract details. |
[CONTRACT:CONTRACTNUMBER2] | The value in the 'Contract number 2' field in the contract details. |
[CONTRACT:STARTDATE] | The value in the 'Start date' field in the contract details. |
[CONTRACT:ENDDATE] | The value in the "End date" field in the contract details. |
[CONTRACT:TERMINATIONDATE] | The value in the 'Cancellation date' field in the contract details. |
[CONTRACT:REMARKS] | The value in the 'Comments' field in the contract details. |
[CONTRACT:VENDORNAME] | The name of the vendor of the linked contract. |
[VL:SENDER] | The name of the person who sent the E-Signing request. |
[VL:DOCNAMES] | A summary of the documents linked to the E-Signing. |
* = in E-Signing invitation e-mails only
Vendor Rating
The tokens below can be used in invitation and reminder emails for Vendor Ratings.
VL Token | Explanation |
[VL:VENDORRATINGNAME] | The name of the vendor rating |
[VL:VENDORRATINGENDDATE] | The end date of the vendor rating |
[VL:SURVEYNAME] | The name of the survey |
[VL:SURVEYENDDATE] | The end date of the survey |
[VL:SURVEYSUBJECT] | The subject of the survey |
[VL:SIGNALUSER] | The signal user associated with the audit/vendor rating |
[VL:SURVEYTEXT] | The survey header (set in the survey template) |
[VL:URLLINK] | The link to the survey. |
Vendor Rating Audits
The tokens below can be used in invitation and reminder emails for Vendor Rating Audits.
VL Token | Explanation |
[VL:SIGNALUSER] | The signal user associated with the audit. |
[VL:URLLINK] | The link to the survey. |
8D klachtrapporten
Onderstaande tokens kunnen gebruikt worden in de uitnodigingsmail naar de leverancier vanuit een 8D klachtrapport
VL Token | Explanation |
[VL:COMPLAINT:PRODUCT] | The reference and name of the linked product. |
[VL:COMPLAINT:RECEIVED] | The value in the 'Amount received' field. |
[VL:COMPLAINT:INCORRECT] | The value in the 'Quantity incorrect' field. |
[VL:COMPLAINT:PURCHASEORDER] | The text in the 'Purchase order' field. |
[VL:COMPLAINT:EXPLANATION] | The text in the 'Problem description' field. |
[VL:COMPLAINT:VENDORNAME] | The name of the vendor associated with the complaint. |
[VL:VENDORNAME] | The name of the vendor to which the recipient is linked. |
[VL:URLLINK] | A link to the login page. |
[VL:DISPLAYNAME] | The display name of the user receiving the mail. |
[VL:USERNAME] | The username of the user who receives the email. |
In Default Notificaties
Default notifications are notifications that are active for the entire VendorLink environment. We also support tokens here. Click below on the module for which you want to view the available tokens for the relevant default notifications:
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