You have chosen the Cost type - Category link.
With this link, cost types are linked to categories. It is very important that the cost type structure is in order, and all invoice lines are linked to these cost types.
Link cost types
- Navigate to Admin > Spend settings > Data aggregation > Connect categories.
Under 'Connect cost types', you see two tables: 'Category' and 'Cost type'. Click here to read more about these tables. - In the 'Category' table on the left, select a category.
- In the 'Cost type' table on the right, select the cost type you wish to link to the category you selected in step 2.
- Click 'Add'.
- The selected category and cost type are now linked to each other. You can see all connected cost types under 'Connected Cost Types'.
- Make all desired links this way. After you have made all desired links, click on the 'Process' button at the top of the page.
This data will be processed the next night.
Set exceptions
It is also possible to make exceptions.
For example:
You have linked the 'Software' cost type to the 'IT' category, but you want to make an exception for 'Example Consultancy Ltd.'.
It is then possible to make an exception for this supplier, so that the expenses for this supplier end up in the 'Consultancy' category, for example, while the cost type remains the same. Follow the steps below to set an exception. If you want to use this way you will also have to check the link of this way of linking in the settings from lesson 5.
- Navigate to Admin > Spend settings > Data aggregation > Link supplier/cost type/category.
You see three tables here, 'Cost type', 'Vendor' and 'Category'. Read more about this overview here. - Choose the exception by selecting one entity from each column.
- Click 'Add' to confirm the new exception. You can see the existing links in the 'Connections' overview at the bottom of the page.
- After you have made all the links click the 'Process' button at the bottom of the page.
This data will be processed the next night.
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