Go to Vendor Rating - Settings - Survey Templates - Click 'Add' - Fill in fields and 'Add'
Tab - Settings
Add, edit and delete information.
Click 'Copy' to copy the template. In [[Vendor Rating Survey Templates Overview]] the template will be visible as 'Copy of [template name]'. Click template to enter setting mode.
Click 'Delete' to delete template
- Description : the description or name of the survey is used to find the survey when starting a survey or Vendor Rating.
- Answer form types: the questions in a survey can be presented in three different ways.
Answer form type | Description |
Default (one form per Vendor) | All questions are presented in a list, each vendor has its own survey. |
Matrix (question in header) | All questions in the headers and all vendors of the survey in rows. When multiple vendors are evaluated with the same survey this is a fast way for the respondent to answer the questions. Use this option when there are more vendors than questions. |
Matrix (vendors in headers) | All vendors in the headers and all questions of the survey in rows. When multiple vendors are evaluated with the same survey this is a fast way for the respondent to answer the questions. Use this option when there are more questions than vendors. |
The matrix types can only contain multiple choice questions. Open question are not an option in these survey forms.
- Page per header : when checked a header will start on a new page.
- Show Commodity? : when checked all commodities connected to the vendor will be visible in the header.
- Share : Share with the community
- Survey Header text : This text will be visible on each page in the survey
- Email subject : Enter subject for email when a survey is sent via an vendor rating.
- Email text : Enter subject for email when a survey is sent via an vendor rating.
Tab - Questions and Answers
With headers questions can be grouped. With the option 'Each header as a separate page' at tab settings each header and the underlying questions will be presented on a separate page.
Click 'Add header' to add header.
Description | |
Sort Order | Give a number to sort headers. Lowest number will come first. |
Header text | Header name. |
Click 'Add'
Click 'add Question' to add question.
Description | |
Header | Choose a header to group questions |
Question | The actual question. |
Sort order | Sort questions |
Weight | Determine importance among other questions. (default = 1) |
NA | Not available is available as answer options. |
Question orientation | Orientation of the questions, horizontal or vertical. Different ways to answer a question. See question type options. For smaller screens vertical sorting is adviced. |
Expl. required | Ask respondent to give explanation |
Expl. From value (and lower) | Make it mandatory to give explanation at a certain answer value or lower(!) |
Upload file | Check to let respondent upload file |
Question type | Select question type from list. See Question types for the different options. |
Click 'Add' to add question.
Add Answer
There are two ways to add answers to the question.
1. Pre-defined answer sets
-Click on 'Answer sets +'
-Choose the answerset and click 'add answer set'
2. Add answer set manually
With this option a custom answer set can be build. Each answer option of the set has to be entered.
-Click on 'Add manually +'
-Answer : Enter answer option
-Value : Give a value to the answer (bigger than zero)
-Leads to : Select to redirect a respondent to a different questions/header dependent on their answer.
Tab - Implementation
Connect Vendors to respondents and Contracts to respondents.
- Select Vendor/ Contract and select the respondent who should be answering the survey about this vendor/ contract.
- Click add to add the vendor/contact respondent relation.
The process is finished. All information is saved automatically. The survey will be visible at [[Vendor Rating Start Audit]], [[Vendor Rating Start Survey]] and [[Vendor Rating Start Vendor Rating]].
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