You can access the detail page of an Audit by selecting the desired audit under Vendor Rating > Audits. All content in the audit (existing and possibly new/changed information) will be processed in Vendors upon audit approval.
The following content is present on the audit detail page:
Information from vendor
- The name of the supplier
- The linked categories in Vendors
- When and by whom the audit was submitted back to you
- A direct link to this vendor in Vendors
- All pre-selected checklist items including the documents that have been sent to the supplier.
- The documents supplied by the supplier. You have the possibility to add individual documents to Vendors or Contracts. Upon approving the audit, the documents will be added to the checklist item in Vendors. There is also a possibility to remove the document supplied from the audit.
- Product reference code
- Product name
- Quantity
- Price
- Product status (new/changed/deleted)
- Category name
- Category status (new/changed/deleted)
Vendor Management*
- Current vendor details present in Vendors
- Changes made by the supplier highlighted in italic
- Name of the contact
- E-mail address
- Contact status (new/changed/deleted)
* = if part of this audit
If the audit needs to be reviewed by the supplier, you can return the audit.
Return an audit for review
Click the 'Review to supplier' button. The audit is now visible in the Supplier Portal for the relevant supplier.
Cancel a review
After sending the review, it is possible to cancel it. The 'Review to supplier' button has now been changed to 'Retrieve'. Click on this button to cancel the review.
Manage audit
in 'Manage audit' you can start a workflow and send reminders for the selected audit.
Start a workflow
- Click the tab 'Workflow'.
- Click 'New workflow' and select a workflow.
- Enter a comment if desired. This is optional.
- Assign at least one user to each workflow step.
- Click 'Start Workflow'.
Cancel a workflow
- Click the tab 'Workflow'.
- Click 'Stop workflow'. This button is only available if a workflow is currently in progress.
Send a reminder
- Click the tab 'Send reminder'.
- The default e-mail template shown here can be found in Admin > Vendor Rating instellingen > Audit default instellingen > Audit e-mailinstellingen. Edit the e-mail if desired.
- Click 'Send reminder'.
Set a valid through date
The default 'vadid through' date is the date of audit approval plus one year. Follow the steps below to edit this date for a specific date.
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