NEXT 202450 - December 2024
Releasedate: December 10, 2024
About this release
Contract Value Management
To make the contract value more transparent, the following improvements have been made:
- In the ‘Financial’ tab, under ‘Contract Details’, it is now possible to add a contract value.
- In the ‘Financial’ total overview, a new tab ‘Contract Value Management’ has been added, making it possible to easily monitor the total overview of contract values.
- Via the link with Spend Analytics, expenses booked on the contract are automatically recorded.
- Various text corrections have been implemented.
- Several layout improvements have been made.
- Extended change log with bank account number: The change log now also records whether a bank account number has been modified or added.
- An issue where the total number of complaints in the 8D report tab no longer matched the lines has been fixed.
- The KVK (CoC) button under Supplier details now refers to the correct page again.
- Under Supplier details > Documents > Checklist items, ‘N/A’ is now displayed when applicable.
- Visual improvements have been made to the Mail campaign page.
- Users with the role of ‘Vendor Management Moderator’ can now view documents. Users with the rights of ‘Vendor Management Register’ can view documents uploaded by themselves.
- From now on, a check will be done for spaces before and after the entered e-mail address when adding or editing a contact.
- From now on, the contact filter shows only the contacts to which the relevant user has access.
- From now on, the ‘Currency’ field is visible by default and mandatory when creating a supplier.
- Fixed an issue where the workflow was not always created after clicking ‘Create workflow’ in an E-signing.
- An issue could occur in the Information Request settings where the page was not automatically refreshed after adding or deleting a product. This has been resolved.
Supplier Portal
- Fixed an issue where it was not possible to add new contract products.
- From now on, the message in the Supplier Portal will only be shown to suppliers linked to the set category of the message.
- An error could occur in the invoice overview, this has been fixed.
- It could occur that when a 'supplier user' was deleted and they had previously completed an RFx questionnaire, the export function in the ‘Analyse results’ tab no longer gave a result. This has been resolved.
- Adding companies to a contract: From now on, it is possible to add multiple companies to a contract in the ‘Authorisation’ tab under ‘Contract details’.
- Contract Value Management: To make the contract value more transparent, the following improvements have been made:
- In the ‘Financial’ tab, under ‘Contract Details’, it is now possible to add a contract value.
- In the ‘Financial’ total overview, a new tab ‘Contract Value Management’ has been added, making it possible to easily monitor the total overview of contract values.
- Via the link with Spend Analytics, expenses booked on the contract are automatically recorded.
- The size of the Contract Reference field has been adjusted so that the reference is now clearly visible.
- From now on, a corresponding reference will again be displayed in the Contract Details under the Cost Centre field.
- It could occur that Rebate Agreements linked to a contract were not visible in the ‘Rebate Agreements’ tab under Contract Details. This has been resolved.
- With the English language setting, it could occur that the amounts for contract products were displayed with 3 decimals. This has been changed to 2 decimals.
Renewed connection with AFAS: The connection with AFAS has been successfully renewed, making it work optimally again.
Introduction text supplier request: It is now possible to add an introduction text per tab in a supplier request. This option can be set via Vendors settings > Supplier Data Portal > Supplier Data Portal Tab Descriptions.
A new option for excluding users from deletion in workflows: A new option has been added that allows a user to be excluded from deletion in the workflow. This can be set via the ‘workflow settings’, by indicating via a checkbox whether the user may be deleted. For existing workflows, the settings remain unchanged unless manually modified.
- From now on, a check will be made for spaces before and after the entered e-mail address when adding or editing a user.
- Fixed an issue where it was not possible to archive user profiles under ‘Users’.
- Fixed an issue where, when exporting contract products via Admin, the date notation was sometimes displayed in the United States format.
- Fixed an issue where the invitation to the user under User Settings might not be sent.
- Fixed an issue where, after opening a Risk Assessment under Risk Assessment settings, it was not possible to open another risk assessment after.
- Fixed a currency issue that could cause wrong spend data.
Dynamic Discounting
- *Improvements in Dynamic Discounting functionality: Several improvements have been made to the Dynamic Discounting functionality.
New & Fixes
- Changes have been made so that it is now possible to fill in specific fields for each combination of Function Identifier and ICT Services.
- Admin: Added a new field called ‘EUID’ for the European identification number. This field has thus also been made available for reporting.
Vendor Management & Contract Management:
Vendor Management -> Vendor details -> Relations tab
Contract Management -> Contract details -> tab DORA -> tab Supply chain
The field for identification types now includes the EUID and is renamed to: Organisation identification type code.
The field Type code for identification of the recipient of outsourced ICT services (other) is renamed to: Identification type.
An additional (optional) field is added: Organisation identification type code (other).
Changes to the report: The first change concerns tab b_01.02. This tab now displays only the entities associated with a contract with an active DORA tab, instead of all entities.
In addition, a number of fields in the report have been made true.
*Please note that this functionality can be activated through additional configuration and may be an extension of the licence. If you wish to use this functionality, please contact your account manager.
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