This article explains how to activate E-Signing and how to start an E-Signing process. Below you will find the instructions for digitally signing a contract:
VendorLink's Contract Management module has its own E-Signing functionality. You must have the following modules to use E-Signing:
- Contract Management
- Supplier Portal
Via deze functie kun je een contract digitaal intern en extern (door de leverancier) laten ondertekenen. Wanneer je een E-Signing proces hebt gestart, gaat er een uitnodiging naar een of meerdere personen uit je eigen organisatie om het contract in de client omgeving te ondertekenen, en een uitnodiging naar de leverancier om het contract te ondertekenen via het Supplier Portal.
After an E-Signing process has been successfully completed, the signatures are automatically placed inside the document.
The overview with all open E-Signing processes can be found in the left menu bar as you see here on the image on the right. If the E-Signing functionality is not visible, you can activate it by following the steps under 'Activate E-Signing'.
Activate E-Signing
Follow the steps below to activate E-Signing in your VendorLink environment.
- Navigate to Admin > Contracts settings > Settings.
- Under 'Features', click the drop-down menu next to 'E-Signature' and select 'VendorLink E-Sign'
E-Signing is now activated, and you will see the E-Signing icon in the menu bar on the left in Contracts.
Start an E-Signing process
- Navigate to Contracts > Contracts and select the contract you wish to digitally sign a document for.
- Click on the 'E-Signing' tab. Is this tab not visible? Then follow the steps under 'Activate E-Signing' earlier in this article.
- Click on the 'Add' button to add an E-Signing process to this contract.
- Under the heading 'Supplier', click on 'Add'.
- You will see a list of supplier contacts associated with this contract. These are only the contacts with access to the Supplier Portal. Select one or more contract persons and click on 'Add'.
- Now it is time to determine who should sign the document from within your own organization. Click on 'Add' under 'Your organization'.
- A list of VendorLink users in your area is displayed. These are only users with access to the Contracts module. Select one or more persons and click on 'Add'.
- Finally, it is of course necessary to determine which document to sign. Under 'File Vault' click on 'Add'.
- A list of documents attached to the contract is displayed. These documents can be found in the 'Attachments' tab in the contract. Select the document to be signed and click on 'Add'.
Finishing and submitting the E-Signing process
Now that you have completely set up the E-Signing process, it is time to send the document to the selected people.
- Click on 'Send E-Signing request'.
- A pop-up opens with a number of fields. Enter the description, this is the name of the E-Signing process.
- Enter a subject. This is the subject of the email that the individuals will receive.
- Enter a text. This is the text that will be in the email that the users will receive. A button to the correct login page is automatically added by us when it is shipped.
- You can also use E-mail templates, click on the 'E-mail templates' button.
- Click on 'Send E-Signing request' to start the process. All persons will then receive an invitation to sign the contract.
You will be automatically notified by email by VendorLink of any person who has signed or declined the document.
Read more information about the eIDAS regulation with regard to VendorLink E-Signing here.
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