You have just linked all desired suppliers / contracts and respondents in step 2. In step 3 manage and set-up the invitation for respondents.
Setting up a Vendor Rating - Step 3
- In this step, the e-mail that is used to invite the respondents can be changed. Each survey has its own e-mail text. Select a survey to show it's invitation settings.
- A pop-up window opens. In this window, additional settings can be changed such as start and end date of the survey and the signal user. You can also change the 'Answer form type' here. We already set this up in Lesson 2, so there is no need to change it now.
Changes are saved automatically. Close the pop-up window once everything is set up as desired. - Click 'Next' if all invitation settings are set up correctly.
Een Vendor Rating starten - stap 4
- The 'Link to survey form' table will show the survey, the linked respondent as well as a direct link to the survey preview. Click on preview to see if everything is set up correctly.
- You can use the 'Back' button to make changes, if needed.
- Send the rating by clicking 'Send'.
You have succesfully set up and sent a rating.
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