KPI's are Key Performance Indicators. If you are not familiar with KPI's, it's highly recommended that you read this article first. It will teach you the most important things about KPI's in VendorLink.
Setting up a KPI
- In the KPI overview, which can be found by clicking on KPIs in the Spend menu bar on the left side of the Spend module, you can see the existing KPIs in your VendorLink environment.
- Click 'Add' at the top right of the page. Don't see this button? Then you don't have the right permissions. Contact your internal VendorLink administrator.
- Select the desired KPI type at 'KPI'. Click here to read what each KPI type means.
- Complete the rest of the form. If you are unsure of the meaning of a field or term, you can see the meaning of each field here.
- Finally, click on 'Add' to create the KPI.
You have now successfully set up a KPI. From now on, the KPI will track statistics based on the settings you have chosen.
KPI's can be added to reports on your dashboard. Click here to learn all about Dashboard.
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