When setting up contract agreements, it's very important that these agreements are properly registered. That way, you can find out if the agreements are being complied with.
Adding a contract agreement
Navigate to Vendors > Contract agreements.
- You are presented with an overview of all contractual agreements. Click 'Add' at the top of the overview to register a new contract agreement.
- Fill at least all required fields. Each field is explained in this article.
- Click 'Add'.
The contract agreement has been created, and you will be automatically redirected to the contract agreement overview.
You can view detailed information about a contract appointment by selecting the agreement in the overview. Here you can see all sorts of relevant information about the selected contract agreement, such as statistics about the values and any notes.
Rating a contract agreement
- Navigate to Vendors > Contract agreements > Select contract agreement > Planning.
- Under the header 'Planning', fill all fields. These fields are explained in this article.
- Click 'Generate realisation'. The user will recieve a notification with the request for a contract agreement rating.
- Navigate to the 'Realization' tab to see the new planning schedule. A contract agreement can be rated via Vendor Rating, or simply via the 'Realization' tab under the desired period.
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