Explanation A, B & C categories
A vendors
The number and percentage of vendors who account for 80% of the annual value of goods / services purchased where the vendors are sorted by purchase volume.
B vendors
The number and percentage of vendors that account for the next 10% of the annual value of goods / services purchased where the vendors are sorted by purchase volume
C vendors
The number and percentage of vendors who account for 10% of the annual value of goods / services purchased where the vendors are sorted by purchase volume
Custom ABC category settings
VendorLink uses an 80/10/10 division between the A, B and C categories as standard. This can be deviated from, so that you as an organization can use a different distribution such as 70/20/10. If desired, go to Admin > Spend Settings > Settings to enter these percentages yourself.
Table ABC Analysis by year and ABC category
This table shows for each year and each ABC category how many vendors each category contains, what percentage this is in relation to all vendors, the number of invoices and the percentage in relation to all invoices and finally the volume and the percentage of that volume in relation to the total volume.
Chart SM: ABC Analysis
This bar chart shows the following data, based on the currently selected year in the spend period selector.
- The volume divided into the three ABC categories.
- The number of vendors divided into the three ABC categories.
- The number of invoices divided into the three ABC categories.
Hold your mouse over the colored areas in the graph to see the exact numbers.
Table distribution of spend that can be influenced/not influenced
This table shows the influenceable, partly influenceable, non-influenceable spend and total volume per year. Whether or not spend data can be influenced is determined in Admin > Tables > Commodities. In addition, you also see the spend without a category, for which we cannot determine the level of modifiability.
Chart SM: ABC Trend
This line chart shows the number of vendors per ABC category for the current year and the four previous years. Hold your mouse over one of the points in the graph to see the exact number. You can also see these numbers in 'Table ABC Analysis per year and ABC category'.
Chart SM: ABC influencable vs. Not influencable
This bar chart shows the distribution for the current year and the five previous years between the influenceable, partly influenceable and non-influenceable spend. Hold your mouse over the bars to view the exact volume.
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