This ISPnext Generic API provides access to your data. By passing in supported parameter values, the requested data can be controlled.
Entry Point Reference
API Method - Execute
- Key "Authorization", Value "Bearer <accessToken>"
The body of the requests share a generic structure. Find the details for the parameter with the documentation for each individual request.
{ "dataname": string (required), "page": number (optional, depends on request), "pagesize": number (optional, depends on request), "parameters": object (optional, depends on request)
"includes": object (optional, depends on request)
"customfields": true (optional, depends on request) }
- dataname - identifies the type of data to access
- page - requested page, only applicable in case of list data
- pagesize - requested pagesize, only applicable in case of list data
- parameters - JSON object containing the parameters needed for the request or action
{ "totalcount": number, "page": number, "pagesize": number, "hasErrors": bool, "messages": [ {"severity": string, "message": string}], "properties": [ { "data": string, "title": string } ], "data": [] }
- totalcount - Total number of items found, only applicable in case of list data
- page - Returned page, only applicable in case of list data
- pagesize - Returned pagesize, only applicable in case of list data
- hasErrors - Boolean value indicating wether or not errors have occurred during processing
- messages - Array of objects containing severity and text for messages.
- properties - Array of objects containing information on the properties used in the data
- data - Array containing the data for the request
Data names
- Contracts - Request a list of contracts
- ContractsActions - Request a list of contract-actions for the current user
- ContractsPlanning - Request a list of contracts with their planning
- ContractsFinancial - Request a list with the financial overview of contracts
- Vendors - Request a list of vendors
- VendorsSpend - Request an overview of spend per vendor
- VendorsNew - Request an overview of new or updated vendors
- VendorsContractAgreements - Request an overview of contract agreements
- VendorsComplaints - Request an overview of complaints on vendors
- VendorsComplaints8D - Request an overview of complaints with 8D reports on vendors
- VendorsNotes - Request an overview of notes for vendors
- VendorsChecklistItems - Request an overview of checklist items for vendors
- VendorRatingGroups - Request an overview of checklist items for vendors
- VendorRatingPeriodResults - Request an overview of period results for vendorratings
- SpendAbcHighlights - Request an overview of Spend Abc analysis highlights
- SpendAbcDeviation - Request an overview of Spend Abc analysis yearly deviations
- Surveys - Request an overview of surveys
- Audits - Request an overview of audits
- Contract - Request the details of a single contract
- Contract Notes - A list of contract notes
- Subcontracts - A list of subcontracts
- AdminUsers
- AdminUsersRoles
- AdminUsersContractTemplates
- AdminUsersCostCentreGroups
- AdminUsersCompanies
- AdminUsersCategories
- AdminUsersAuthorizationLabels
Request a list of contracts
- archived - number - 1 for archived contracts, 0 for active
- my - number - 1 for requesting user's own contracts, 0 for "all"
- concept - number - 1 for requesting concept contracts, 0 for "all"
- filters- JSON array of objects containing the filters to apply to the data. Supports regex, for example:
Supported includes (all are optional):
- contractnotes adds contract notes to the results
- contractproducts adds products to the results
{ dataname: "Contracts", parameters: { archived: 0, my: 0, concept: 0 }, includes: [ { dataname: "contractnotes", idParam: "contractId" }, { dataname: "contractproducts", idParam: "contractId" }] } }
Example request body with filters:
dataname: "Contracts",
page: 1,
pagesize: 50,
parameters: {
archived: 0,
my: 0,
concept: 0
filters: [
property: "vendorName",
filter: "Vendor.*",
type: "regex"
Request a list of contract-actions for the current user
{ dataname: "ContractsActions" }
Request a list of contracts with their planning
{ dataname: "ContractsPlanning" }
Request a list with the financial overview of contracts
{ dataname: "ContractsFinancial" }
Request an overview of requests for quotation
s - number - (status) one of:
- -1 - All
- 1 - Creation
- 2 - Sent
- 3 - In review
- 9 - Archived
{ dataname: "RequestsForQuotation", parameters: { s: -1 } }
Request a list of vendors
- archive - number - 1 for archived contracts, 0 for active
{ dataname: "Vendors", parameters: { archive: 0 } }
Request an overview of spend per vendor
{ dataname: "VendorsSpend" }
Request an overview of new or updated vendors
{ dataname: "VendorsNew" }
Request an overview of contract agreements
{ dataname: "VendorsContractAgreements" }
Request an overview of complaints on vendors
{ dataname: "VendorsComplaints" }
Request an overview of complaints with 8D reports on vendors
status - number - one of:
- 0 - All
- 1 - Creation
- 2 - To Supplier
- 3 - Reaction Supplier
- 4 - Review
- 5 - Closed
{ dataname: "VendorsComplaints8D", parameters: { status: 0 } }
Request an overview of notes for vendors
{ dataname: "VendorsNotes" }
Request an overview of checklist items for vendors
{ dataname: "VendorsChecklistItems" }
Request an overview of period results for vendorratings
- pakketid - number - for future use, use -1.
{ dataname: "VendorRatingPeriodResults", parameters: { pakketid: -1 } }
Request an overview of checklist items for vendors
- archived - number - 0 for unarchived ratings, 1 for archived.
{ dataname: "VendorRatingGroups", parameters: { archived: 0 } }
Request an overview of Spend Abc analysis highlights
{ dataname: "SpendAbcHighlights" }
Request an overview of Spend Abc analysis yearly deviations
{ dataname: "SpendAbcDeviation" }
Request an overview of surveys
- archived - number - 0 for unarchived surveys, 1 for archived.
{ dataname: "Surveys", parameters: { archived: 0 } }
Request an overview of audits
- archived - number - 0 for unarchived audits, 1 for archived.
- sahid - number - for future use, use -1.
status - number - filter for status:
- 3: Sent
- 5: Review at vendor
- 6: Back from vendor
- 7: In workflow
- 8: Finished
{ dataname: "Audits", parameters: { archived: 0, sahid: -1, status: 3 } }
Request the details of a single contract.
The details include
- Subcontracts - A list of subcontracts
- Contract Notes - A list of contract notes
- id - number - The id of the requested contract
{ dataname: "contract", parameters: { id: 0 } }
Request a list of sub contracts for the given contract
- contractid - number - The id of the parent contract.
{ dataname: "subcontracts", parameters: { contractid: 0 } }
Request the list of notes of the given contract
- contractid - number - The id of the parent contract.
{ dataname: "contractnotes", parameters: { contractid: 0 } }
Request a list of XXXXX | Request the details of a single XXXXX
{ dataname: "XXXXX", parameters: { PARAMETER: VALUE } }
Overview list of all the users in the customer environment
- archive- number - 1 for archived users, 0 for active
Example request body:
dataname: "AdminUsers",
parameters: { archived: 0 }
Overview list of all the user – roles connections in the customer environment
- archive- number - 1 for archived users, 0 for active
Example request body:
dataname: "AdminUsersRoles",
parameters: { archived: 0 }
Overview list of all the user – contract template connections in the customer environment
Parameters: none
Example request body:
dataname: "AdminUsersContractTemplates"
Overview list of all the user – cost centre group connections in the customer environment
Parameters: none
Example request body:
dataname: "AdminUsersCostCentreGroups"
Overview list of all the user – company connections in the customer environment
Parameters: none
Example request body:
dataname: "AdminUsersCompanies"
Overview list of all the user – category connections in the customer environment
Parameters: none
Example request body:
dataname: "AdminUsersCategories"
Overview list of all the user – authorization label connections in the customer environment
Parameters: none
Example request body:
dataname: "AdminUsersAuthorizationLabels"
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