Releasedate: January 28, 2025
Logo update
We have updated the logo to our new design.
- Various text corrections have been implemented.
- Several layout improvements have been made.
*Connection with IntegrityNext
*From now on, it is possible to integrate ESG data from IntegrityNext into Vendor Management. This makes it possible to gain insight into the ESG performance of vendors within ISPnext. After the connection is set up, it is possible to see the information back in the supplier data under the ‘ESG’ tab.
Mandatory description with information request by supplier
From now on, it is mandatory for suppliers to add a description when submitting an information request they have started.
Pop-up with product information in information request: An issue where the pop-up with product information was not shown in a returned information request has been resolved.
‘Vendor’ and ‘Contract’ buttons work correctly again in Information Requests: The ‘Vendor’ and ‘Contract’ buttons in the ‘Back from vendor’ and ‘In workflow’ sections within Information Requests, which can be used to manually add vendor information, now work properly again.
Sorting the Ratings column: The issue where sorting the column under Vendors -> Open vendor -> Ratings was not happening in the correct order has been resolved.
Link to Risk Assessment Workflow Task: The issue where the link to a Risk Assessment workflow task from the home page was not working has been fixed.
Sort function in Methods of Projects: Under Vendors -> Vendor rating -> Methods of Projects, the column sorting function works properly again.
Improved screen stability at Risk Classification: Improvements have been made so that the screen no longer jumps when entering a comment under Risk Management -> Risk Classification.
Address list view in Contacts view: Under Contacts -> Vendors -> Address List, it could happen that when navigating from the Address List to the Contact List, the table of addresses was also displayed in the Contact List. This has been fixed.
Supplier Data Portal
Error when adding contact in Supplier Data Portal: An issue where the screen kept loading while adding a contact in Supplier Data Portal has been fixed.
Request is archived correctly after supplier approval: After approving a new supplier in the Supplier Data Portal, the request remained incorrectly visible in the ‘active’ overview. This has been resolved. The request is now correctly archived after workflow approval and is no longer shown in the ‘active’ overview.
Transfer of Description: The ‘Description’ field is now correctly transferred to the supplier location upon approval of an information request, both for newly added locations and location edits.
Supplier Portal
Solved error when adding a user in Supplier Portal: The issue where an error occurred when adding a user in Customer Review -> Setup -> Add User in Supplier Portal has been resolved.
Solved error on ‘Submit information’ button in Supplier Portal: When only contacts and not documents were submitted via the ‘Submit information’ button in the Supplier Portal home screen, an error could occur. This has now been fixed.
Display of edit fields after adding a Containment Action: In the Supplier Portal under Complaints -> Open complaint -> Containment actions -> Add Containment Action, the edit form was automatically opened after creating an action, but the edit fields were not displayed. This has now been fixed.
Display supplier name in Complaint Report: In the Supplier Portal under Complaints -> Open complaint -> Report, the supplier name was not visible even though a supplier was applicable. This has now been resolved.
Automatic refresh of product table: Under Sourcing -> In Creation -> RFx -> Products/Services -> Product, the product table was not automatically refreshed after closing the edit form. From now on, the page will be automatically refreshed as soon as a change is saved.
Information requests now correctly register the free fields for contract products: When free fields were set in Admin in the settings for contract products, these values were not transferred correctly in the audit. This has now been fixed.
E-signing assignments in Contracts: In the E-signing overview under Contracts, E-signing assignments that were linked to a workflow were not showing. This issue has been resolved.
Empty ‘Date’ field in Contract details: When a free field of type ‘date’ was used in contract details, it was not possible to empty the field after a value was entered. This has now been resolved. The field can be left empty again unless it is mandatory.
Correct localisation for help text in E-signing pop-up: The help text in the pop-up when starting an E-signing from Contracts was displayed in Dutch in all language settings. This has been fixed, and the correct localisation is now displayed based on the set language.
Improvement archiving contracts: When archiving a contract, contract products with the status ‘Deleted’ were also archived incorrectly. This has now been resolved. From now on, contract products with the status ‘Deleted’ are no longer included in the archiving process.
Manage visibility of inactive companies in Contracts and Vendors
From now on, under ‘Tables’ in company settings, it is possible to set whether a company is visible in Contract Management and Vendor Management via the ‘Active’ checkbox. Companies marked as inactive will no longer be shown.
- Error when adding Note Templates: an issue where an error occurred when adding a template under Admin -> Task Defaults -> Note Templates, has been fixed.
- Adjust number in Vendor Rating Notifications: Under Admin -> Vendor Rating Settings -> Vendor Rating Notifications, it was not possible to adjust the number while editing. This has been fixed.
- Double display when opening the Translations page: Under Admin -> Miscellaneous -> Translations, the page was not refreshing correctly when reopening via the menu, resulting in duplicate display of content. This problem has now been fixed.
- Spend data for Czech Republic displayed correctly: The spend data for the Czech Republic has been added and is now displayed correctly.
Default end date for contracts without an end date
Contracts without an end date will automatically display the date ‘2099-12-31’ from now on.
Multi-select functionality for Function Identifiers and IT Services
Function Identifiers and IT Services are now multi-select fields. When creating a new combination in the Contract -> DORA tab, it is possible to select multiple options simultaneously.
Reference Function Identifier visible in DORA tab
The reference/identifier of the Function Identifier is now displayed in the table under Contract -> DORA.
Updates in DORA Supply Chain tab and reporting
- Exclusion of draft and archived contracts in reporting: Contracts in ‘Draft’ or ‘Archived’ status, as well as contracts related to archived suppliers, are no longer included in reporting.
- New columns added to report for tab 05.01: ‘Additional identification code of the ICT third-party service provider’, ‘Type of additional identification code to identify the ICT third-party service provider’ and ‘Legal name of the ICT third-party service provider’.
- New column added to report for validation check: An additional column has been added to the report to support the validation check. This will make it easier to perform data checking and analysis. The validation column is not included in the total export, but it is included in export per tab.
- New field for sub-contracted ICT services: Under the Contract → DORA → Supply Chain tab, an additional field is now shown, ‘Recipient of the sub-contracted ICT services’, when the rank number is three or higher. This field is also displayed as a column in the table.
- IT Services field display improved: The IT Services selection field now shows only the S-code and name, instead of the full description.
- Supplier selection visible in table: When a supplier is selected in the supply chain tab (without free text input), this selection is now correctly displayed in the table.
- Adjustments reports DORA tab (05.02):
- In the report for tab 05.02, columns 05.02.0060 and 05.02.0070 remain empty for suppliers with rank 1. Fields 05.02.0030 and 05.02.0040 are filled with the supplier's data.
- For grade 2 suppliers, fields 05.02.0030 and 05.02.0040 are filled with the data of the grade 2 supplier, while fields 05.02.0060 and 05.02.0070 contain data of the grade 1 supplier directly linked to the contract.
- For suppliers with rank 3 or higher, fields 05.02.0030 and 05.02.0040 are filled with data from the rank 3 (or higher) supplier, and 05.02.0060 and 05.02.0070 contain data from the direct recipient of sub-contracted services.
- General improvement reporting 05.02.0060/05.02.0070: The fields for identifying the recipient of sub-contracted services now correctly contain the identification of the supplier one rank higher than the supplier directly linked to the relevant table entry in the supply chain.
Function Identifier and IT Service synchronisation on deletion
From now on, when a Function Identifier or IT Service is deleted from the Admin table, it will also be automatically deleted from the associated contracts (including archived contracts). In doing so, a pop-up is displayed for confirmation before the deletion is completed.
New tab: ‘Report settings’ in Admin -> DORA
Under Admin -> DORA, the new tab ‘Report settings’ has been added. Here you can add or select reference numbers. In addition, you can set which company manages the DORA register and which companies should be included in the report.
*Please note that this functionality can be activated through additional configuration and may be an extension of the licence. If you wish to use this functionality, please contact your account manager.
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